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Stock price:
SEK 110.80 -0.58% SEK -0.65
Year high:
SEK 123.90
Year low:
SEK 106.80

Long-term solutions

Castellum believes that sustainability is a prerequisite for economic growth. Castellum is one of the largest players in the property sector, and the capacity for growth is predicated on the company’s continual development. Sustainability initiatives, which have always been a natural element of Castellum’s operations, deal with pursuing those operations in a responsible manner and creating long-term solutions from a financial, ecological, and social perspective. As a long-term player and urban developer, promoting the development of a sustainable society in various ways is a natural part of our work.

Invest in our most sustainable projects and properties

We regard financing via the issue of green bonds as part of our existing MTN and euro MTN (EMTN) programmes as an opportunity for investors to contribute capital to some of our most sustainable projects and properties. The general terms and conditions for green MTNs issued correspond to those that apply for other bonds issued under Castellum’s MTN and EMTN programmes, with the crucial difference that the proceeds from green MTNs can only be allocated to projects and assets that qualify under Castellum’s green framework.

Updated framework

The updated framework has been adapted to the 2021 ICMA Green Bond Principles and the EU taxonomy. Castellum partnered with Handelsbanken to develop the framework for green MTNs. Castellum also engaged Cicero for an independent assessment of Castellum’s sustainability initiatives and the level of ambition of the framework. The overall opinion is that Castellum’s governance of its sustainability initiatives is excellent, and the framework has been awarded Cicero’s Medium Green shading.

The framework, second opinion and updated MTN programme are available in the document list. 
