Board of Directors
The Board has overall responsibility for Castellum’s strategy and organisation and manages Castellum’s business on behalf of the shareholders.
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Under the Articles of Association, Castellum’s Board is to consist of no less than four and no more than eight members. The current Board consists of six ordinary members. The Board works in accordance with established rules of procedure containing instructions on the allocation of work between the Board and the CEO. The disclosures concerning shareholding pertain to conditions on 28 February 2025. Shareholdings include member’s own holdings and those of spouses, minors and children living at home, holdings of associated companies and holdings through capital insurance.

Per Berggren
Master of Science, KTH and economic education, Stockholm University.
Previous positions
CEO of Hemsö Fastighets AB, CEO of Jernhusen AB, Division Manager of Fabege AB (publ), CEO of Drott Kontor AB and Property Manager at Skanska Fastigheter Stockholm AB.
Board assignments
Chairman of the Board of Podium Fastigheter AB, Fondamentor AB and Fastighetsloggen Propify AB. Board member of Förvaltnings AB Somsok, Brisas lnvest AB, Collegio AB, RetailFast Holding AB, Litsby Förvaltning AB, Förvaltnings AB Skarpäng as well as Tingsvalvet Fastighets AB and several of its subsidiaries. Per is also a Senior Advisor for Slättö Förvaltning AB.

Pål Ahlsén
Master's degree in Economics, Stockholm University.
Previous positions
Lengthy experience from the property sector concerning property management, financing and transactions as well as leadership. Was previously President and CEO, Country Manager Germany and worked in business development at Akelius Residential Property AB (publ).
Board assignments
Chairman of the Board of Akelius Residential Property AB (publ) and alternate Board member of Tobias Frick Fastighet AB.

Anna-Karin Celsing
Master of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.
Previous positions
Has a background in banking, finance and Investor Relations. Previous positions include Head of Investor Relations at Swedbank and member of Group Management at Ratos as Chief Information Officer.
Board assignments
Board member of AKC Råd AB, Volati AB, Landshypotek Bank AB, OX2 AB, Peas lndustries AB, KLOB i Stockholm AB, Svensk Husproduktion AB, Tim Bergling Foundation, Stiftelsen Orionteatern and Stiftelsen Beckmans Designhögskola.

Henrik Käll
Master of Economics, Uppsala University, and studies at HEC.
Previous positions
Lengthy background in banking and finance, in positions including global head of sales and trading at Nordea Markets. Previously also worked in London at the Natixis and Dresdner Kleinwort banks. Board member of Hoist Finance AB.
Board assignments
Chairman of the Board of Fxity AB and Garantum Fondkommission AB and Board member of Bellmer Capital AB and Nordend AB.

Ann-Louise Lökholm Klasson
Computer Science, University of Gothenburg, and Advanced Strategic Management, IMD.
Previous positions
CEO of Sweco Sverige AB since 2018. Has a background as manager and leader at Ericsson, and has held several different executive positions in the Sweco Group.
Board assignments
CEO and Board member of several subsidiaries in the Sweco Group. Board member of lnnovationsföretagen, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Sweco ÅF Healthcare AB and Bemsiq AB. Ann-Louise is also the Principal Advisor for the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre and a member of the Nomination Committee of the Sweden Green Building Council.

Louise Richnau
Master of Science in Engineering, KTH; CEFA and CESGA certificate.
Previous positions
Lengthy background in the property sector with investments, transactions, financing, establishment of new areas of operation, and sustainability issues. Previous experience from Swedish National Pension Funds (First through Third), Drott Riks AB and Nordanö. Was responsible for constructing Brunswick Real Estate Capital, the first Nordic institutional property credit fund (now Niam Credit).
Board assignments
Chairman of the Board of Bantaba AB. Board member of Eastnine AB (publ), Lotsberget AB, Propel Capital V AB, Propel Capital VI AB, Sunna Group AB and Råsundapokalen AB.