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A strategy for long-term value creation

Over time, Castellum aims to generate value for its shareholders at low financial risk.


Beyond expectations.


Creating workplaces where people and enterprises thrive.

Business concept

We create successful and sustainable workplaces in Nordic growth regions by really keeping close to customers, while staying on the cutting edge of innovation and expertise.

Two people talking to each other.

The Castellum Spirit

The Castellum Spirit constitutes the core values that guide Castellum in its daily activities.

  • Business-focused
  • Committed
  • Courageous

Business model

Investing in and developing commercial premises managed by a decentralised and customer-centric organisation. Castellum focuses on cash flow and operates with low financial risk.

One person walking up the stairs.

Overall financial target and dividend policy

  • Return on equity will total at least 10 per cent per year over a business cycle.
  • The dividend will total at least 25 per cent of income from property management, unless the company's financial position justifies otherwise.

A strategy for long-term value creation

Over time, Castellum aims to generate value for its shareholders at low financial risk.

Castellum is to be the natural choice in the Nordic private and public sectors as one of the Nordic region’s foremost, and most sustainable, property managers and developers of office and logistics properties.

Castellum’s customers consist of the company’s tenants, who reflect a broad diversity of different sectors and industries. This promotes strong diversification and risk spread in the lease portfolio.

Castellum is to be an attractive and leading employer, with a culture of productivity and resource efficiency.

The company is working towards clear sustainability goals over both the short and long term in order to be the most sustainable property company in the Nordic region and to actively promote sustainable development.

Conducting operations responsibly is crucial for Castellum’s success. With sustainable operations, the company will generate value for all stakeholders.

Read more in the latest Annual Report

Illustration of the sustainable city.
The figures below refer to 2023.

Value-creation model

How Castellum creates sustainable values

The construction and property industry have some of the highest carbon emissions of any sector, both in Sweden and around the world. These harmful emissions must decrease in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN. By taking responsibility for conducting operations with a low level of climate impact, Castellum enables the transition towards a sustainable society. Castellum also has an ambition of impacting and creating positive sustainability values in various ways for the company’s stakeholders and for society as a whole.

1. Resources that Castellum uses

  • 709 properties at a value of SEK 138* Bn and an area of 5.5 million square metres
  • More than 500 employees
  • A strong brand
  • Nearly 5,500 suppliers and contractors
  • 8,000 commercial leases
  • 740 green leases
  • Energy, water and materials

*Excluding holdings in Entra.

2. Castellum combines traditional property management, project and transaction activities

  • Property management
  • Project development
  • Transactions

3. The value Castellum creates for its stakeholders

Satisfied, sustainable tenants

  • CSI: 71
  • 50 per cent sustainability-certified properties
  • 106 solar PV systems installed, corresponding to 18,832 kW
  • 1,189 charging stations



110,400 shareholders

  • 15 per cent average total return per year since 1997
  • 38 per cent of sales (turnover) is EU Taxonomy-aligned
  • Green share, Nasdaq Green Equity Designation

Committed employees who are developing

  • More than 16,000 training hours completed
  • Low level of sick leave (2.4 per cent)
  • Good equality (41 per cent women / 59 per cent men)

Robust, long-standing supplier relations

  • Code of Conduct that covers all suppliers
  • SEK 381 M in energy optimisation projects
  • Goods and services purchased: SEK 7,094 M

4. Castellum’s ambition is to make a positive contribution to society

Reduced environmental and climate impact

Castellum uses natural resources efficiently, reduces resource use and carbon emissions to create a sustainable asset portfolio:

  • 70 per cent reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions since 2007
  • 30 per cent reduction in energy consumption since 2007
  • Increased share of circular materials, and positive contribution to biodiversity

Favourable societal impact

  • Develops sustainable properties that promote positive urban development
  • Productive employees and tenants with a sense of health and wellness
  • Through WELL Portfolio, Castellum has a positive influence over 16,300 of its tenants’ employees in terms of their health and wellness

Valuable financial impact

Castellum is a profitable company that contributes financially to various stakeholders:

  • SEK 603 M in salary and remuneration to employees
  • SEK 7,094 M to suppliers and contractors
  • SEK 590 M in property tax, SEK 12 M in income tax and SEK 16 M in contributions to local communities
