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An active player in society

Castellum wants to be a responsible property owner and contribute to the communities in which we operate. For us, community involvement means offering healthy and productive urban environments where people feel good. We also want to contribute by enabling urban development that encourages integration between different social groups. Another important aspect is to help bring more young people and people far from the labour market into the labour market. Our sustainability goals and ambitions characterise the entire business. The objectives linked to community engagement are that 10 per cent of employees should be trainees. We will also create jobs for young people and the long-term unemployed in projects. The objectives are ongoing and are based on the UN's global sustainability goals.

Organisations that we support


Fryshuset focuses on giving young people a safe and rewarding environment in which to grow and develop. The collaboration is based on a joint commitment to social prevention work with a focus on holiday jobs in property and gardening in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. 

My Dream Now

My Dream Now creates inspiring meetings between students and working life and has the vision that all young people should feel their value in society and find their paths to jobs and dreams. Our employees can get involved as class coaches or participate in study visits to one of our workplaces in Stockholm or Gothenburg. 

Collaborate with Castellum

Are you passionate about the same subjects?

Contact Angela Jagelid, Head of Corporate & Financial Communication, to enquire about collaboration and nationwide sponsorship. If your enquiry is about local collaboration, please contact your local Castellum office.

Contact me

Head of Corporate & Financial Communication

Angela Jagelid
